Book Review of the Week: The Zebra Affaire

The Zebra AffaireZebraAffaire

Mark Fine

Format: Kindle Edition

Also available in Paperback

★★★★★ 5 stars

Romance and Historic Fiction of the Best Quality

What a surprise and delight to open a book and discover the tapestry of South Africa. Not only the history, language, culture, struggles, clashes, its tribes and the arrival of Europeans, but the the truth of the bloody conflicts and the emergence of a minority controlling a government using apartheid until modern times demand change.
With this comes the unlikeliest of love stories, an Afrikaner woman and a Malawi man, who before they know what is happening, fall in love despite their coupling breaking every rule of apartheid. Author Mark Fine weaves an intricate tale of 1970s South Africa, but the story goes back so much further, and not just the Boers and the British, but the European refugees, the indigenous peoples’ rivalries and customs, the natural beauty to behold and resources to utilize.
The colonial past finally gave way to inevitable demands of the modern world. Fine details the hopes and struggles of a nation in the lives of his characters and concludes his tale with hope for the future of his homeland. It’s a hope all can share, inspired by this fine story.The Zebra Affairs is a mix of romance and historic fiction of the best quality.

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